8 Top Digital Marketing Metrics To Track

3 Jan

In the digital age, marketing is defined differently than it was in the past. It is no longer limited to light branding and nebulous awareness campaigns. Tracking and predicting business trends and patterns has become essential in the digital era, requiring the use of highly scientific approaches based on astute insights obtained by measuring particular marketing KPIs.

Key Performance Indicators, or KPIs, are a term used to describe campaign indicators used in marketing that are essential for planning, tracking, and determining how best to maximize marketing efforts. Through them, B2B business owners and marketers can create a solid foundation of knowledge upon which to build and execute all business decisions.

Automation of several of these marketing functions is achievable thanks to current technology. However, as we’ll be discussing in this post, it will be beneficial to comprehend the many kinds of digital marketing metrics and how they might apply to your company.

Return on Marketing Investment

1.Return on Marketing Investment (ROI)

The measurement of the value that your marketing efforts provide is one of the most significant marketing metrics available today. By deducting your marketing expenditure (social media, email, digital, print, etc.) from your higher sales or profit growth, you may calculate your return on investment. Determining this statistic is crucial since it will assist executives in deciding how much to spend on current and prospective marketing efforts.

Positive return on investment initiatives ought to be continued or even increased, whilst negative return on investment campaigns ought to be revised or discontinued entirely.

For most industries, a campaign that has a ROI of at least 5:1 is regarded as especially strong. This will be an invaluable tool for marketing departments to compare their efforts with those of rival companies or brands and justify their spending.

Customer Lifetime Value

2.Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)

In these extremely competitive times, the margins for profit in the digital marketing and e-commerce space are narrow, so businesses must figure out how to optimize their market share and income sources.

Customer Lifecycle Value (CLV) is a crucial indicator for measuring marketing effectiveness. By doing this, the corporation hopes to determine the value that each client represents to it throughout the course of their whole customer lifetime in terms of sales.

The client’s CLV will be equal to $4,000 if, for instance, they make purchases totaling $5,000 during the duration of their association with you and you have incurred advertising and service charges of about $1,000.

The purpose of this marketing measurement is to help you choose which customers to concentrate on in order to optimize value, promote expansion, and optimize earnings. It makes more sense to grow your current clientele rather than looking for new business in industries that are difficult to enter.

Customer Acquisition Cost

3.Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

Here, a business attempts to calculate the cost of acquiring a new client or customer for its products or services. The overall cost of your department’s advertising, sales, and marketing charges as well as any associated costs are divided by the number of new clients you bring on board to arrive at this KPI marketing statistic.

It is an important metric to ascertain for a firm because a low cost of lead and subscriber generation implies that acquiring new customers will come at a lower cost, leading to more revenue and profits.

Since the internet has made it easier to follow customer behavior, businesses have been able to use this indicator to help them make investment decisions.

Click-Through Rate

4.Click-Through Rate (CTR)

In the world of digital advertising, this is one of the most important measures for assessing the success of a campaign. The number of recipients who clicked on a link in your email or on your website after viewing it on their screen will be used to calculate the click-through rate. Your click-through rate is 10% (Ad Clicks/Ad Impressions * 100) if, for instance, 100 people view your advertisement but only 10 click on it.

When your advertisement or marketing approach has a high click-through rate, you can consider it successful because a sizable portion of the people who see it are engaged enough to click on it and possibly convert to consumers.

You can identify which advertisements should be modified and which are attracting leads and potential customers by examining this metric. This is a broad rate, but it nevertheless provides a useful overview of the behavior of your target market and is considered a high-quality example of a marketing metric.

Funnel Conversion Rate

5.Funnel Conversion Rate

Funnel Conversion Rate is one of the most important marketing KPIs to have. A prospective lead will go through a few stages before becoming a client. Due to the fact that each state’s initial enrollment will be significantly higher than it would be when participants ultimately become your clients, these phases can be conceptualized as a funnel.

By multiplying the total sales numbers by the number of leads * 100, you may find your conversion rate. In the event that you had 100 hits, queries, or leads but only 30 of those users converted, your conversion rate would have been 30%. With most businesses reporting conversion rates between two and three percent, this is a pretty healthy conversion rate in the realm of e-commerce.

While this may seem like a huge waste, the world of digital marketing adapts to this fact by spreading their advertising reach as much as they can at the lowest cost, so that even low conversion rates result in sizable numbers of customers. A business with 10 million leads in a month will have 200,000 clients even at a 2% conversion rate, which may be more than enough for them to turn a good profit.

Cost per Action
Cost per Action
6.Cost per Action (CPA)

This is an affiliate marketing approach wherein a targeted user performs a specific action and payment is triggered each time. These activities can take many different forms and include buying something, clicking on something, subscribing, joining a trial, completing a survey, downloading something, and more.

Since an advertiser will only be required to pay once the desired action is fulfilled, this strategy is frequently referred to as performance-based advertising or pay-per-action (PPA). For these models to be financially viable, they typically require high conversion rates.

The majority of small and medium-sized enterprises will therefore employ cost-per-click (CPC) or cost-per-impression (CPM) models, since poor conversion rates won’t significantly impair profitability in these scenarios. This indicator tracks the amount of money a business spends to encourage a specific behavior. Reports are typically sent out once a month.

Bounce rate

  1. Bounce Rate

Website bounce rate, as defined by Google, is the proportion of single-page or single-interaction sessions that visitors to your website complete. Here, a page will load, but users will exit without clicking on anything or engaging with it in any manner.

One of the key performance indicators for email marketing is bounce rate, which is the proportion of emails in a campaign list that are not seen by the intended receiver because their server rejected them.

High bounce rates might make email campaigns utterly useless, even though they might be seen as high ROI advertising tactics due to their low expenses. One useful way to gauge how engaging your website or email landing pages are and identify areas for improvement is to analyze the bounce rates that these pages suffer.

It needs careful consideration and study to identify the factors that are turning visitors away from websites with high bounce rates in order to attain maximum marketing effectiveness. During the troubleshooting process, you will need to take into account many factors such as your website design, email copy quality, prices, site structure, and presentation.

Net Promoter Score

  1. Net Promoter Score

This is a popular marketing metric that asks customers about your product or service and focuses on whether or not they would suggest it to friends, family, and coworkers. Usually, a one-question survey that is provided to clients will be used in the search for this data.

Customers taking part in the survey will be asked to select a number between -100 and 100; lower numbers will reflect a negative attitude toward the company, while higher numbers would reflect a positive impression.

In other words, a consumer with a score of 100 will have the best possible impression of the business, and vice versa. To obtain a dependable image of how customers see the business overall and their inclination to suggest its services and goods to others, an average of these individual survey responses is currently used to calculate the Net Promoter Score. The NPS survey creator on Altcraft Platform uses Forms, a built-in tool.

This marketing metric is useful because it allows businesses to take action before they lose all of their consumers by alerting them when their customers are starting to get dissatisfied.

Lastly, some thoughts

Analysis and monitoring of company initiatives and marketing performance can be done with a variety of important marketing measures. They keep multiplying due to advancements in statistical techniques and data collection technologies.

Understanding marketing analytics in-depth and keeping up with industry advancements are essential if you want to stay ahead of the competition. This is particularly valid if your job involves internet marketing in any way.

Your organization’s health may be continuously monitored by monitoring your lead generation, sales, consumption, and social media marketing KPIs. To do this simply, effectively, and efficiently, you can leverage our robust marketing automation platform. Attempt it right now.


About Sunita Sharma

A passionate Digital Marketer, currently working in BMN Infotech - A Leading Software Company in Amritsar, India! She is a brilliant content marketer with more than 6 years and she loves to play strategically to reach the desired marketing goals.

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